Thursday 7 October 2010

Update from Andy - Wed 6th Oct

Hi all

For those that couldn't make it to training yesterday, here are the key points of what Andy had to say.

1 - Training will move indoors as from Wed 13th Oct, using the facilities at Soccer City,
1 Benyon Pk WayLeeds LS12 6DP from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.
At the moment no funding has been received for this, so Andy is requesting that parents bring £1 with them on the night to pay towards the venue.

2 - Andy and Lesley Dooner are trying to organise a bag packing day at Morrison's, possibly Sat 6th Nov, the proceeds from this will go towards paying for the venue for training. Will update you on this once the date has been confirmed.

3 - Andy reiterated that parents should try and refrain from coaching the kids from the sidelines and continue to encourage them in a positive manner.

4 - Andy also said that the general behaviour of the kids needs to improve, so a couple of things have been implemented:
  • The kids have been informed that if they are disruptive they will be giving warnings which could result in them having to sit out for the whole training session.
  • Good trainer and reward badges will also be introduced and these will be given out each week to the players identified by the coaches as the best behaved players.

5 - Finally, Chris informed everyone that he has decided to step down from his coaching duties due to his current work commitments.

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