Tuesday 8 November 2011

Victory in the Cup

A first win of the season came in the cup against Guiesley.
Rothwell started brightly and looked to keep hold of the ball. The direction of the play in the early stages was all towards the visitors goal, and on the rare occasions they broke away the defence coped well, and calmly played the ball out of defence through the midfield. The break through came after 10 minutes when more good work by Harry Caton through the middle resulted in a mishit clearance being vooleyed back into the goal by Sam Mulvaney. Rothwell were 2 up shortly after when Arnie Dooner should his usual tenacity and broke through midfield capitilising on a defence error and finishing sweetley from just inside the area. Guiesley brought the game back into their grasp after a rare mix up at the back allowed their striker to put the ball into an open net. Rothwell were soon back in charge after Sam Pears battled to win the ball in the area and poked the ball home from close range. Guisely started to get back into the game and had a period of possesion which saw them win a number of corners, which thretened to close the gap again. In fact it was Rothwell who went further ahead after the visiting goal keeper failed to hold a Liam King shot, and Sam Mulvaney follow in to double his tally. Shortly after a lack of marking and a some ball watching allowed the away team to break through and score. A corner late on for Rothwell was delivered in by Jacob Bues and after bouncing of one defender Harry Caton headed home to make the half time score 5 - 2

Confidence was high at the start of the second half and another goal came early after good work on the left by Kaden Sharlotte allowed Liam King to score towns 6th from close range. The front two continued to work hard pulling the defenders wide allowing the midfield to attack through the middle, Kaden had a number of opportunities and it was only the bravery of the keeper that kept the score down. Guiesley pressed forward and a number of times but the defence held tight debutant Sam Van Den Briele gave a solid and disciplined performance and great sliding tackles from Harrison Jones out wide and Michael Throp on the touch line after the striker had thought he had got the better of him, kept Rothwell safely in front. Guiesley went on to score a final consolation after more poor marking, but the result was already in the bag.

A well deserved win and the coaches were pleased to see the players looking to keep hold of the ball and put into practise what was done in training. More of the same next, and we start on charge up the league.

"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses − behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights" - Muhammed Ali
"Victory belongs to the most persevering." - Napolean Bonaparte

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