Thursday 9 February 2012

Summer Tour 2012

Get your passports at the ready, the Rothwell Town under 12’s pre season tour is ready to roll again and this time we’re taking on Europe, well France anyway. After the success of last years tour we wanted to take the boys a step further and give them the experience of playing on foreign soil. The trip this year will include the following

  • All Coach and Ferry travel (Same coach throughout the trip, we may be using Nigel again so jokes about getting locked in the toilet at the ready )
  • 2 nights Bed & Breakfast in Boulogne
  • 2 friendly matches against local teams
Date  - Depart Friday 24th August (early morning), Return Sunday 26th August (Evening)
Price – Currently the price is £150 per person. We can however reduce this significantly with additional fundraising. For example the recent bag packing raised £800, a percentage of this will be used to fund the trip, the actual amount depends on how many people travelling were able to help with the bag pack. I will also be sponsoring the trip through money I have raised through work (approx. £600). I would also like to hold another bag packing event specifically for the trip so any one travelling who also raises money will have a further reduction. With a little effort we can hopefully reduce the cost to under £100 per person.

Now is the time for some action. If you are interested in coming on the tour I need to know asap. Once I have an idea of who will be travelling I will get a full quote and come back out with the actual price (before additional fund raising) and ask for desposits.

Please let us know if you want to attend and how may will be travelling in your group by texting Stuart on 07710421900 or by Clicking here. I need all responses back by Sunday 19th February

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