Friday 16 March 2012

One to forget!

4th March 2011   

A month unbeaten came to a sudden halt in the cup for the Charles Rice team.  Drawn against a good Thornes side from the league above the team were really up against the odds.  Late withdrawals due to sickness and commitments meant the team had to play the whole game with 10 men but you would not have known that in the early part of the game.
Whilst the eventual score ended up 10-1 to Thornes, however the 10 men of Rothwell never gave up and continued to play right through to the end despite the atrocious conditions.  Particularly good performances from Dom and Man of the Match Kaden.  
Just a quick thank you from Charlie and Colin to the all the parents for their help on Sunday with the pitch, nets and general support for the kids which was really appreciated.

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