Monday 19 July 2010

Agenda for Parents / Coaches Meeting

The agenda for the parents / coaches meeting this friday is:

Rothwell Town parents meeting – 23.07.10


Coaches in attendance
Andy Murray (AM)
Zoe Wheeler (ZW)
Stuart Throp (ST)
Rob Jones (RJ)
Colin O’Loan (CO)
Mark Caton (MC)
Chris Burton (CB)

· Introduction to the meeting AM 5 minutes

· Review of last season and summer league ST / RJ 15 minutes

· Plans for the new season 40 minutes

o Charles Rice League AM / CO
o Garforth League ALL
o Training times, venues and schedules ALL
o Monthly coaches meeting AM
o Expectations – team ethos, behaviours, T
parents support, etc.
o Trophies and certificates CB

· Communications RJ / ZW 15 minutes

o Blog and text message update RJ
o Newsletter ZW
o Fundraising activity update ZW

· Key dates CB 5 minutes

· Questions and AOB ALL 10 minutes

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see Zoe's rise in the coaching team. Straight into No2
