Tuesday 20 July 2010


Gary Walker has kindly organised a golfing trip for parents and coaches and the good news is that there is still one space available.

Details are below, please let Gary know if you can make it.

Hi everyone.

I have booked the golf trip (see details below).
With numbers rising i have decided to booked for 12 people as this makes the playing format easier . i.e. 3 x 4 balls

Also I have reserved buggies for the Sunday for everyone and this will add £10 to the price per person. (still a bargain at £82.50 each) .

1 space is available for another parent/coach..
( i have already asked friend to be on standby... if nobody else joins us or someone drops out).

Tee off times have also been booked and will mean having to leave Leeds around 11:00 (about 2:00 travel time according to AA & multimap)
£15.00 deposits can be paid to me or you could bring it to the Parents/Coaches meeting on the 23rd (2 Pointers)


I am pleased to confirm your reservation of six twin rooms for one night from 12/09/2010 to 13/09/2010.
The tariff is £72.50 per person on a dinner bed & breakfast and 2 days golf based on two people sharing.
The tee has been reserved as follows:
Sun 12th (18 holes) 14.02 - 14.18 Mon 13th (9 holes) 10.02 - 10.18 (18 holes) 13.14 - 13.40.
Six buggies have been reserved on the Sunday at a cost of £20.00 per buggy per round. As discussed buggies on the Monday are on a complimentary basis.

Smart casual wear is a minimum standard. On the course Jeans, tracksuits, shell suits and trainers are not permitted, Shirts must have a collar and shorts must be tailored.

Golf shoes must be worn on the course.

Smart casual wear pervades throughout the clubhouse; jackets and ties are optional.

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